Using custom dimension standards



Document Preferences

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For convenience, several dimension standards are available in Vectorworks, such as ASME, DIN, and ISO. These built-in standards cannot be edited. To create a different look for your dimensions (for example, larger offsets or half tick markers), create a custom dimension standard.

Custom dimension standards can be created in the current file or imported from another drawing file. There are three ways to access the Custom Dimensions dialog box for managing custom dimensions.

Select the command. From the Document Preferences dialog box, click the Dimensions tab, and then click Custom.

With any one of the dimension tools in the Dims/Notes tool set selected, open the Standard list on the Tool bar and select Custom Standards.

With an existing dimension selected, open the Standard list from the Object Info palette and select Custom Standards.

From the Custom Dimensions dialog box, several functions are available.




Opens the Assign Name dialog box, to create a new custom dimension standard as described in Creating a custom dimension standard


Opens the Edit Custom Dimension Standard dialog box, to edit the dimension settings


Copies the selected custom dimension standard and appends an incrementing number to the copy name


Opens the Replace Dimension dialog box, to replace the selected custom dimension standard with the standard you specify


Opens the Assign Name dialog box, to rename the selected custom dimension standard


Opens a file and imports the custom dimension standard you specify


Opens the Replace Dimension Standards dialog box, to specify the dimension standard to replace, and the standard to replace it. Any existing dimensions that used the previous standard are changed to the replacement standard.

Creating a custom dimension standard


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